
A Taste of Tokaj: Wine of Kings, King of Wines

A Taste of Tokaj: Wine of Kings, King of Wines

By Shelley Puhak

Editor's note: Most of the Tokaj

Wine Region is located in Hungary, but a small section, about two square miles, is located in the Slovak Republic. Tokaj is sometimes referred to as Tokay.
A man resembling a clean-shaven Santa Claus swings opens a large barrel top serving as a door, revealing a set of stone steps leading underground.
I follow him into an underground tunnel cut out of the volcanic tufa rock. This passageway empties out into a cool, cavernous room with a wrought iron chandelier hanging from the domed ceiling. Barrel tops are mounted on the wall, inscribed with various humorous sayings.
"Life is Too Short"I sit on a rough-hewn bench underneath one that reads, "Zivot je prilis kratky, aby sme pili nekvalitne vino" ("Life is too short to drink rubbish wine.")
I’m underneath the Slovak village of Vinicky in a 400-year old cellar. Santa Claus is actually Gejza Nagy. He and his wife Anna own the Zlaty strapec vineyard, and he boasts that his family has been making wine in this region for centuries.
Serious Tasting
We had arrived asking for an ochutnavka, a tasting, and as I soon find out, Mr. Nagy takes his tastings very seriously. He pours me a half glass of amber-colored, sweet Tokaj wine, and we toast to our health. He pours me a half glass of another varietal and we toast to good weather. And he pours, and pours, and pours.
"Maly, maly," I keep insisting, "Smaller, smaller."
It’s ten in the morning, and I know I can’t handle more than a full glass or two. Finally, I have to go get my Slovak cousin Andrea and her friend Constantine and ask for help finishing up.
Mr. Nagy laughs and tells me if I get too tipsy, there is a B&B on the property, where 700 SKK ($22) will get me a nice room to sleep off the wine.
After we’ve tasted all six wines the vineyard carries, Mr. Nagy warns us that coming up into the summer air will intensify the wine’s effect, and it does.
Underground Passages
It’s hard to believe that just over an hour ago I was in the Tatra mountains. Now, only 100 miles south on the Hungarian border, the bright sun is dazzling and the air feels almost sultry.I’m pleasantly lightheaded as we arrive at our next stop, the Stredne odborne uciliste pol’nohospodarske Vinicky, a former school in the same village.
Our guide takes us down into a tunnel like the one under the Nagy’s property, but much larger, with many smaller passageways sprouting off. Our guide tells us this set of tunnels is 52 feet (16 meters) underground and over 147 feet (45 meters) in length. I make an audible sound of surprise.
My cousin waves her hands dismissively as she translates the guide’s response for me: “He says that there are passages like these under everyone’s property.”
The Tokaj Label
I learn these Tokaj wine cellars were built during the Turkish invasions of the 16th and 17th centuries. Although they were originally designed as hiding places for troops and supplies, villagers soon discovered that the wine they stored here tasted much, much better than that stored above ground.
That’s because the temperature and humidity stay constant year-round—50 degrees (10 C) and 95% humidity.
Between occasional raids by the Turks, enterprising villagers found time to cultivate vines and ferment their wine in these cellars, and the Tokaj label was legally established in 1655.
Thick Black Fuzz
I can’t imagine hiding down here in complete darkness, feeling my way along the wet, cold walls covered with a thick black fuzz.
Luckily, this tunnel is dimly lit by the occasional humming florescent light, and our guide carries a flashlight. He trains it on the black fuzz on the walls and tells us this is actually Cladosporium cellare, a valuable fungus that acts like a powerful air filter.
It eats bacteria that could be dangerous for the wines and regulates the humidity. The Tokaj region is the only place in the world where this fungus grows naturally.
The wine that made Tokaj world famous is Vyber (in Hungarian: aszú). This sweet dessert wine is made from cibebs, Tokaj varietal grapes that have been exposed while still on the vine to another fungus, Botrytis cinerea.
This is the same fungus that is used in the production of French Sauternes, as well as Chenin Blanc, Gewurztraminer, Riesling, and Sauvignon Blanc. It causes the grapes to shrivel, intensifying their sugar and flavor.
These natural raisins are picked in one day, always after the 25th of October. The 'cibéby' are trampled in huge vats to form a paste. Wine is then poured on the paste and left to soak. The product is transferred to wooden casks where it will age for up to six years in these special Tokaj wine cellars. The Cladosporium cellare on the walls will give the wine a rich sherry flavor.
The ratio of cibéby to wine is indicated on the label of all Tokaj Vyber wine by its putno rating, which ranges from three to six. In old Slovak, putna was a barrel. A putno rating of three means that three barrels of cibéby have been added to 136 litres of wine, while a rating of four means four barrels have been added, and so on. The higher the putno rating, the sweeter, stronger and more expensive the wine will be.
The Duke of Transylvania, Frantisek Rákoczi II, sent his own six putno wine to Louis XIV, who termed it "Vinum Regum, Rex Vinorum" - "Wine of Kings, King of Wines."
Our guide also mentions that in the 18th century Tokaj wine became famous as a medicine for healing anemia and nerve illnesses. Tokaj was also the favorite drink of Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Voltaire, and Goethe. Beethoven and Schubert dedicated songs to it.
This region was once part of the sprawling historic Tokaj wine region of the Kingdom of Hungary. After WWI, new borders left two square miles of this region cut off from the rest.
Since then, while Hungarian vineyards have flourished, Slovak vineyards that produce Tokaj of comparable quality have struggled.
Our guide shrugs, and he tells us no one is much interested in Slovak Tokaj anymore, not like they used to be. When this school was established in 1952, students competed for admission. But by 1997, the school couldn’t find new applicants, and soon after, it was forced to close.
The school is now only open to tourists and sommeliers. Our guide says his most frequent visitors are groups of Italians who hike all day and drink all night, or experts who come for a closer look at the Botrytis cinerea and for a taste from the extensive collections.
Today, we’re the only visitors. As our guide pours out some five putno Tokaj, I ponder how a celebrated wine slips into obscurity. I sip at the Tokaj, sweet and smoky, with a citrusy bite, and I tell my cousin, “It’s a damn shame.”
Villages in this region include: Cerhov, Mala Trna, Vel’ka Trna, Cernochov, Vel’ka Bara, Mala Bara, Slovenske Nove Mesto, and Vinicky.
The closest major airport is in Kosice, 44 miles (71 km) northeast of the Tokaj region, with regular connecting flights to Prague and other Eastern European capitals.
The fastest route is by rental: take the E-50 east from Kosice, and then 79 south (on maps, the 553). The drive takes a little over an hour.
Alternately, you can take a 45-minute train ride from Kosice to Trebisov and then the regional bus from Trebisov to Vinicky (approx 1 hour).
Timetables and further information about rail travel can be found at Slovakia Railways. Bus routes and timetables are available at Eurolines. Both sites offer content and search options in English.
Area Attractions
(All conversions from Slovak crowns (SKK) to US dollars are approximate and are based on the exchange rate, which is subject to change.)
1. Zlaty strapec vineyardVinicky 118Tel: 421 056/ 637 39 75Free tours and tastings, wine store on premises.Rooms in the B&B run 700 SKK ($22) a night
2. Stredne odborne uciliste pol’nohospodarskeVinickyTel: 421 056/ 637 33 72EmailTours are 50 SKK ($1.56) per person. One can opt to stay in the former dormitories for 120 SKK ($3.75) a night.
3. J. & J. Ostrozovic vineyard Vel’ká Trna 233Tel: 421 056/ 679 33 22E-mailWebsiteContact directly for tour and tasting prices.





AM Northwest - Willamette Valley Vineyards Grape Stomp

Stomping grapes with the feet

A publicity stunt promoting "Wine for Asia" 2006, a wine exhibition aimed at the public.




The Alto Douro region

The Alto Douro region, located in the Douro river valley, in the north of Portugal, is a classified region by Unesco World Heritage as one cultural landscape and an outstanding example of traditional european wine-producing for some 2000 years. Since the 18th century its main product, Port wine, has been world famous for its quality.






Cape Town/Cape Winelands

Morning departure on a Cape Winelands tour through superb mountain ranges, vineyards and Cape Dutch homesteads. Visit Paarl and the Nelson’s Creek cellar for a tour and wine tasting. Cheese and wine tasting at Rust en Vrede. Visit Franschoek where the French Huguenots settled in the 1600’s. Travel over the Helshoogte mountain pass. Continue to historic Stellenbosch (Dorp Street and Oom Samie se Winkel). Enjoy lunch in Stellenbosch (own expense). Wine tasting and buying in the Stellenbosch are. Overnight at your hotel.


  进入酒庄后,笔者有幸结识了杰卡斯(Jacob’s Creek)首席酿酒师Bernard Hickin先生,这位颇具经验的友人开门见山的告诉我杰卡斯的酿酒哲学:“一瓶顶级的葡萄酒,从葡萄苗开始一直到酒瓶都被投入了极大的关注。我们要将每道酿酒工序都坚持做到最好,始终坚持保留葡萄品种的最高原味和果香,从而使它充满个性和活力。”事实上,自1987年Hickin回到南澳巴罗萨山谷担任奥兰多酒厂的运营酿酒师,直到1997年他开始负责整个集团的指定业务并发展至今,他一丝不苟的工作态度和对葡萄酒品质始终如一的执着追求广受酒厂同事们的赞誉,这当然也让笔者尊敬不已。
  相比杰卡斯,位于新南威尔士猎人谷的云咸酒庄(WYNDHAM ESTATE)所走的路线要高端一些。170多年来,云咸酒庄为高品质的澳大利亚葡萄酒确定了质量标准,并承担着将澳大利亚葡萄酒推上国际舞台的重任。在欧洲和美国的各大博览会上,云咸酒庄葡萄酒的品质让“猎人谷”很快囊括了多项国际奖章,并为新世界澳大利亚葡萄酒赢得了高标准高品质的美誉。
  笔者在云咸酒庄的时间不长,但还是与澳大利亚一位天分极高的酿酒师Tony Hooper聊得开心异常。当我向他询问云咸葡萄酒的高品质秘密时,他很清楚的给我列举道:“在云咸酒庄酿酒有三方面的重大挑战。第一,我们的葡萄收获地覆盖澳大利亚很大一部分区域,丰收时节一般从一月底持续至五月中旬。这就意味着要在近四个月长的时间里不断进行葡萄园巡视,一边还要为好天气祈祷。第二大挑战来自于猎人谷。
  该地是澳大利亚西拉、赛美蓉、莎当妮葡萄酒的最佳产地,但由于葡萄栽种期间和收获时节天气极其多变,我们在收完所有葡萄前没有一丝喘息的机会。最后一点所要接受挑战的便是要确保云咸酒庄能够为澳大利亚提供最优质的西拉葡萄酒,不负盛名”他又认真的补充道,“这是我的责任”。   离别云咸酒庄,笔者的行程也告一段落,时间虽然短暂,但在澳大利亚本土品尝到的杰卡斯和云咸葡萄酒,远比在国内时更诱人。我暗自琢磨,世界上任何一个葡萄园都讲求水土条件(Terroir)的重要性,其实喝酒同样需要。站在澳洲的土地上,呼吸者澳洲的空气,品尝着澳洲美酒,让品酒者更容易进入“人酒合一”的境界。或许对于我这个北京人来说,这就像在前门吃烤鸭一样吧。



世界上最会形成不同意见的恐怕就是饮食。但所有的美味都源于食材的本身,在澳大利亚,世界上最新鲜、最纯正的原料一应俱全,任何菜谱上最具代表性的就是各种海鲜和鱼,龙虾和蚝更是鲜美得唇齿留香。当然现代澳大利亚风味最大的特征是选择多样、富有创新,这独特的魅力是文化多元(归功于各国移民带来的国际美食)的基础上形成的。当然受亚洲饮食的影响最深,奥兰多酒厂行政总厨Veronica曾呈现给我们香辣鸭胸配烤梨和中国传统酱汁,这道菜借鉴了北京烤鸭的酱料搭配,外表是法国式的,味道却很中国。在阿德莱德的中心市场看到中式的炊具不足为奇,而大街上随处可见日式寿司店、黎巴嫩外卖店和泰国海鲜店,可口的印度小吃Samosa(一种夹有肉或蔬菜的三角形面包)和马来西亚的炒面Char Kway Tow味道保你正宗。同样澳大利亚葡萄酒的崛起令葡萄酒世界变得更加美丽多元。 
澳大利亚的酿酒业可追溯到1788年第一支舰队从南非带来葡萄插枝抵达悉尼港,葡萄酒产区主要集中在东南部,四大产区分别是南澳、新南威尔士、维多利亚及塔斯马尼亚岛、西澳,四大产区的葡萄酒各有特色,南澳以得天独厚的优良环境成为澳大利亚最重要的葡萄酒产区,有巴罗萨谷(Barossa Valley)和克莱尔谷(Clare Valley)等知名产区。新南威尔士是澳大利亚最早的葡萄种植地,许多著名酒厂聚集在这里,如始建于1828年的云咸酒庄(Wyndham Estate),云咸的BIN 555 Shiraz也是澳大利亚葡萄酒(文章来源:华夏酒报·中国酒业新闻网)的起源,酒厂位于新南威尔士的猎人谷(Hunter Valley)。他们的成功是用最新的技术调整生产果味浓郁的葡萄酒所需的不同地区的葡萄品种,这个地球上最干燥的大陆阳光充沛,葡萄拥有充足的光照,成熟度十分理想,且基本没有病虫害的影响,完美的葡萄质量使其具备了酿造好酒的先决条件,酿出的酒丰满浓郁。在这个国家用餐有个特别的现象—BYO(Bring Your Own自带酒水的缩写),据说是获准卖酒的餐厅有限,尽管“自带”会带来小小的麻烦,但无限的选择余地与低廉的价格(餐厅不会收取开瓶费)令我们羡慕不已。也许是这个原因使澳大利亚葡萄酒年人均消费近30升,是英语国家中消费能力最高的国家之一。  
 和悉尼人的活力、精明、快节奏不同,南澳节奏舒缓,比较安静,有着英国人的矜持与修养,杰卡斯首席酿酒师—Bernard Hickin先生就是典型的南澳人,当问到有人指出澳大利亚葡萄酒丰富的果香有水果炸弹(Fruit Bomb)之称时,他恬淡地说,“也许你的优点会被不喜欢你的人看作是缺点,但没有关系还有那么多人欣赏你的优点。澳大利亚最有代表性的葡萄品种具有野性气质的设拉子(Shiraz)所酿的酒,就被挑剔又喜爱他的法国人称之为“阳光之酒”你知道吗,澳大利亚葡萄酒充裕的产量,不高的价格同时兼具的上乘质量已经成为人们在这个国家定居的重要原因之一了—来到杰卡斯,只要花上十几澳元就可以买到一瓶上等的佳酿,深谙酒道的行家甚至花上6、7澳元就能喝到一瓶好酒。我们希望杰卡斯的口感能持续地给喜爱他的人以惊喜,让他们情不自禁的问“他们怎么做到用这么实惠的价格出售这么棒的酒?”。
1847年,Johann Gramp在杰卡斯溪谷边上创立的第一座商业葡萄园。这个Heritage系列葡萄酒如实反映了酒园的悠久历史,堪称澳大利亚的代表作。Heritage系列葡萄酒包括,杰卡斯约翰西拉加本纳葡萄酒、杰卡斯圣雨果库纳瓦拉赤霞珠葡萄酒等。 


开普敦最有名的两处酒乡分别是 Stellenbosch和Paarl,距离开普敦市区约两小时行车时间,沿途可欣赏到一望无际的葡萄酒园,并可小歇片刻于农庄品尝香醇的葡萄酒。最著名品酒的地方是距桌山不远的一处农庄---Groot Constantia 康斯坦提亚农园,这里是本区许多开普荷兰式家园中最豪华的一座,这儿曾是开普葡萄栽培创始人“史戴尔总督的家”。是一座描绘开普早年的社会及文化生活纪念馆,内有南非最古老的制酒中心,有一座建于1685年的葡萄酒博物馆,是一座荷兰式的古老建筑物,有粉白的墙和典雅的镜型屋顶造型,馆内陈列有17世纪时期的家具,玻璃器皿以及陶瓷器等古董。在它的地下室有个大酒窖,里面摆满许多巨型的圆木桶,(文章来源:华夏酒报·中国酒业新闻网)大的容量有10,000公升,小的也有5,000公升的容量,桶里有发酵的葡萄,桶子上插有许多小管子,是用来控制温度的,因为葡萄酒的甜度会随着温度的不同而有所增减,这就是南非葡萄酒瓶上标有〔甜〕、〔半甜〕、〔干〕〔十分干〕、和〔轻涩〕的由来。这儿制造葡萄酒要先将葡萄榨汁,其中红酒不需剥除葡萄皮,以便利用皮来加深酒的颜色,经过四天以后,再将皮滤去原汁放入酒槽中发酵,约一个月后移入橡木桶中,再将它置于酒窖内,至少要一年半以后才可装瓶出售,红葡萄酒是愈陈愈香。制造白葡萄酒比较简单,将葡萄剥皮后再榨汁,然后置入酒槽里发酵,一个月后再移入干净的槽内,两个月后就可以装瓶出售了。

Book:The Portable Wine Tour

Editorial Reviews

Product DescriptionIndulge your love of wine, and travel to some of the most beautiful places on earth, with The Portable Wine Tour -- your complete guide to the world's major vineyards and foremost wine-producing regions. Comprising 264 cards to help you plan your trip, The Portable Wine Tour provides you with a fund of knowledge before you set off, ensuring many successful journeys.


一位具有传奇色彩的旧金山和纳帕商人、加州纳帕谷葡萄酒旅游观光列车创始人Vince DeDomenico周四(2007年10月18日)去世,享年92岁。

据葡萄酒列车之旅公司发言人Erica Ercolano说,纪念DeDomenico的活动拟计划于下周举行,DeDomenico的亲属希 望在近期内公布纪念活动的具体日期和地点。


对那帕酒乡(Napa Valley)的向往来源于电影《云中漫步》(A walk in the clouds)和《杯酒人生》(sideways),那里的风景实在太美,当然《杯酒人生》的拍摄地是Santa Babara,也是加州著名的酒乡之一。虽然向往Napa Valley,但还需报团去,花费不说,我不想被人牵着玩。前些天去见江教授,他执意要带我们在附近玩一天,说了几个地方后,我还是大胆提出了Napa,都有些不好意思。


那帕山谷 Napa velley 被29 号公路分成了两半,它全长 25 英里(43公里),从南边的纳帕市一直到北端的卡利斯托加市( Calistoga ),有几百家酒庄。我们的第一站是大名鼎鼎的Robert Mondavi 酒庄(Winery),它位于Napa最上等的Cabernet葡萄产区Rutherford镇。Robert Mondavi酒庄建于1966年,比Napa的众多酒庄的历史要短得多。使得Robert Mondavi后来居上的主要原因是Mondavi先生的创新精神和对酿酒技术的执著,他被尊称为加州葡萄酒之父。他于今年的5月逝世,有很多人祭奠他。这个酒庄给人感觉古朴典雅,古堡似的建筑正在修缮中。我们在葡萄园附近流连,葡萄一串串的挂着,有一些已经发紫了。我们偷偷摘了一粒葡萄尝了一下,甜中带些苦涩。很快我们预约的11:20的参观团可以出发了,当然为此每个人交了25刀。讲解员先是介绍酒庄的历史,然后带我们去酒厂里面参观,硕大的酿酒桶是木制的,酒香阵阵。她又带我们去了葡萄园,并到了一个高地可以自由看葡萄园的风景。当然,总重要的一项活动放在了最后,即品酒,每个人面前摆了一大两小酒杯,讲解员教我们如何摇动酒杯,如何倾斜酒杯观察酒的成色,开始的小杯是白酒(white wine),喝下去几分甜和涩,道是没什么感觉。最后那大杯,我喝了两口,就感觉有些晕了,只能放弃。

接下来是去另外一家著名的酒庄Beringer,它号称Napa最老的酒庄,建于1876年,是德国兄弟建的,他們以在歐洲萊茵老家的釀酒方式造酒, 兩兄弟當時所居住的農莊與豪宅, 皆保留完善, 目前是廚師學校和接待中心, 是屬於國家保護級的歷史古蹟。我们又花了15刀预约下午3点钟来看。我们准备在空闲的时候去填肚子,就来到一家墨西哥餐厅,吃了些东西。

饭后回返的路上,我们决定到另外的一家酒庄Charies Krug酒莊, 它的葡萄园非常整齐, 這個酒莊的創始人Charles Krug來自普魯士(德國), 1858年來到那帕山谷定居, 他是最早到那帕山谷開創造酒工業的最早移民, 起初他只為Sonoma的Agoston Haraszthy神父釀造教會用的酒, 後來他和他的釀酒師都認為, 德國的葡萄釀的酒, 遠勝於教會的葡萄, 經過不斷的改良, 1870年代,德國風味的葡萄酒在那帕山谷大為風行, 當時在Charles Krug酒莊貢獻心力的著名德 裔釀酒師有Federick & Jacob Beringer 兄弟及Jacob Schram等人, Ceasar Mondavi (Robert Mondavi 之父) 早先也曾在這家酒莊工作, 後來買下此園, 目前這個酒莊的主人是他次子Peter Mondavi家族。当然,我也听说Mondavi兄弟俩个因为一些财产等问题,打过很久的官司。我这时候已经几分醉了,不好意思说,都偷偷在外面的庭院吐了。所以我没有继续去品这里的酒,算是小小的遗憾。


对什么葡萄酒,我只是会感觉到味道的差异,但至于什么名字,我就很难说出来了。而且,此行稀里糊涂,没喝了几种酒,就晕晕了。只好安慰自己,醉翁之意不在酒也,在乎酒乡风景也。本来想去其他的酒庄,比如Stag’s Leap ,Niebaum- Coppola酒庄,后者是《教父》导演Niebaum- Coppola买的。感觉又不能继续喝,我们就匆匆回返了。


Lehigh Valley被美国TTB正式命名为新的AVA葡萄栽培区

On April 10, 2008, a 1,888-square mile area in southeastern Pennsylvania became officially known as the Lehigh Valley AVA. The new appellation is home to 12 vineyards and about 220-acres of vineyards that support the region’s nine wineries. All of the region’s wineries are small family-owned businesses growing much of their fruit on estate vineyards, and there is excitement among them as the new AVA-designation has finally made it possible for them to identify their wines with an “estate” designation.

The Lehigh Valley is marked by the Lehigh River which empties into the Delaware River near Easton. Appalachian mountain ridges mark the region’s northern and southern boundary. The Delaware River is the area’s eastern limit, while the Berks and Schuylkill county lines cut the region off on the west.

The swath of land enjoys a similar climate and well drained, silty soils of broken shale and sandstone. The best performing and most heavily planted varieties include red grapes Chambourcin and Cabernet Franc and whites Vidal and Riesling. Of these, it is the vinifera-esque French-American hybrid red Chambourcin that vintners in the region have resolved to make Lehigh Valley’s signature wine. The grape is versatile, flexible, and performs well in Lehigh Valley and local winemakers vinify it in a range of styles, including sparkling and rosé.

Despite winegrowing being widespread across the state of Pennsylvania, other than the Lake Erie AVA, which extends from Ohio, through Pennsylvania and into New York, appellations are largely absent or ignored in this large, diverse state. However, within the Lehigh Valley there is resolve among the producers to promote their hard earned appellation designation, and given the producers’ unanimity and history of cooperation, “Lehigh Valley” will likely take hold more than some other lesser-known, lesser-used Pennsylvania AVAs such as the Cumberland Valley and Lancaster Valley AVAs. ~ David Falchek, Pennsylvania Regional Correspondent

As federal regulators lift a moratorium on new American Viticultural Areas (AVAs), vintners in eastern Pennsylvania are among the first to benefit as occupants of the newly recognized Lehigh Valley appellation.

John Skrip III, who applied for the designation, always knew wines from the Lehigh Valley were distinctive. His father has grown grapes at their home in Breinigsville since the 70s and made wine at Clover Hill Vineyards & Winery since 1985. Joined through the years by other committed growers and vintners, Skrip concluded that the rolling hills along the river valley had the potential to produce unique, quality wines.

But it wasn’t until Skrip and a committee of producers began working on the application four-and-a-half years ago that he realized exactly what made the region special. As he compiled and overlaid maps that denoted underlying geology, frost-free zones, growing degree days and rainfall, John Skrip saw how those characteristics merged in the 1,888-square-mile area.

“We all felt we were sitting on something special with the soil, the climate, and the way the grapes work,” he said. “The AVA is a good identifier for that.”
When Skrip first suggested the AVA to members of the Lehigh Valley Wine Trail, they enthusiastically approved, formed a work group, and made Skrip point man on the project. The vintners were convinced that wines made from grapes grown in the region were distinctive, but they also wanted to label their wines “estate,” a term federal rules allow only when a winery is in an AVA, even though regulators frequently approve non-AVA “estate” labels.

Most of the wineries in the region are like Vynecrest Winery in Breinigsville. The facility grows the vinifera and French-American hybrid grapes used in the overwhelming majority of their wines on estate vineyards. Native grapes are generally purchased.

“All of us are family-owned and growing what we put in the bottle,” said Vynecrest co-owner Jan Landis. “Having an appellation and identifying ourselves as an estate gives us credibility and legitimacy.”

The Lehigh Valley AVA, home to 9 wineries, 12 vineyards and about 220 acres of vineyards is marked by the Lehigh River which empties into the Delaware River near Easton. Appalachian mountain ridges mark the region’s northern and southern boundary. The Delaware River is the area’s eastern limit. Berks and Schuylkill county lines cut the region off on the west.

The swath of land enjoys a similar climate and well drained, silty soils of broken shale and sandstone. The best performing and most heavily planted varieties include red grapes Chambourcin and Cabernet Franc and whites Vidal and Riesling.

The vintners in the region have resolved to make the vinifera-like French-American hybrid red Chambourcin Lehigh Valley’s signature wine. The region has about 36 acres of the Joannes Seyve-developed Chambourcin Chambourcin is one of the signature grapes of the Lehigh Valley and Pinnacle Ridge is one of the grape's proponents.yielding 93 tons of grapes. Chambourcin turns up in a variety of styles in the Lehigh Valley, including sparkling and rosé. The grape is versatile, flexible, and performs well in Lehigh Valley.

Waiting for the approval was a nail-biter. Officials of the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) offered unofficial verbal approval, but the application seemed grounded during the raging storm over the approval process. The Lehigh group heard little since the moratorium on AVAs was announced in August of 2007. The furor over AVA applications in hotly contested wine producing regions such as Calistoga and Paso Robles seemed so far removed from bucolic Lehigh Valley. The Lehigh application did not generate a single public comment for or against. The TTB approvals suggest the agency is following paths of least resistance as it green lights Lehigh Valley and the expansion of two relatively non-controversial AVAs – San Francisco Bay and Alexander Valley.

Lehigh Valley wineries are planning a promotional campaign for the appellation. Given the producers’ unanimity and history of cooperation, “Lehigh Valley” will likely take hold more than some other lesser-known, lesser-used Pennsylvania AVA’s. Other than Lake Erie, which extends from Ohio, through Pennsylvania and into New York, appellations are largely absent or ignored in this large, diverse state.

The 765,000-acre Cumberland Valley AVA is shared by Pennsylvania and Maryland, but sparsely planted with grapes. The Lancaster Valley AVA includes 225,000 acres and more than 400 planted acres. Several of the dozen or so wineries there use the AVA, but not widely.

The inherently confusing Indiana County appellation was grandfathered after the AVA law was passed in early 1980s. Today, “Indiana County” is used by one property, the Windgate Vineyards & Winery, whose owner, Daniel Enerson, applied for the designation.

“We wanted distinction, something exclusive, but no one seems to know about it,” he said. Two newer wineries in Indiana County, he said, decline to use it. “I don’t think tourists care, or know about terroir.”
Pennsylvania is a large state with diverse soils and wines, according to John G. Kramb, outgoing president of the Pennsylvania Wine Association, a winegrowers’ group. He supports the introduction of more AVAs in the Keystone State so long as those efforts include promotion and consumer education.

“We are in the trenches, introducing people to wine,” he said. “If we use an AVA on our labels, we have to educate consumers as to why we are doing it and how it makes a difference in what they are drinking. The average consumer doesn’t understand that. We need to make sure our customers do.”
Perhaps Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania’s newest AVA, will lead the way in this effort.


纳帕谷坐落于旧金山北部约60英里(100公里)。种植酿酒葡萄的面积约有4.5万英亩(约1.821公顷)。虽然纳帕谷的葡萄酒产量仅占整个加州葡萄酒产量的4%,但它是美国最值得关注的酿酒葡萄生长的区域。在山和山的交界处,纳帕谷向北方向延伸了30英里(约50公里)。它的宽度变化从靠近纳帕镇西面5英里到Calistoga镇附近1英里,纳帕谷的地形随着长度的变化而变化,从平坦的平原到南部的尽头高耸的山脉,还有和海平面差不多高的Carneros。在陡峭的北部边界上升很快, 比谷底要高4339英尺(约1233米)的St Helena山就像站立在纳帕谷前沿的士兵,它位于Mayacamas 的西部和Vaca 山脉的东部。虽然纳帕谷法定产区的种植区很小,仅仅是法国波尔多葡萄酒产区的1/8,但却拥有多样的土壤。 山谷的构成不仅仅是由于地壳运动和火山活动,也受到San Pablo湾的地势影响。曾一度向北延伸到Yountville镇。岩石堆积的小山和淤积物阻隔了纳帕谷的扩张,这些地质学上的变化都发生在过去。这个区域的地形拥有超过100种不同的土壤,它的变化一直从从排水性好,多石的土壤到保湿性好的土壤。这些土壤有不同的深度和肥沃度,能直接影响酿酒葡萄。总的来说,在纳帕河平台的河床上的平原和谷底的土壤要比在斜坡和小山上岩石的土壤要深。纳帕谷拥有很长的生长季节,日照时间长,炎热的白天和凉爽的夜晚都是酿酒葡萄理想的生长环境,这能促使葡萄缓慢而平和的成熟。最适合的温度是在Carneros区域,凉爽的海风从金门大桥和San Pablo吹来。更远点的山谷受太平洋的影响减少:夏天比较炎热,冬天比较寒冷,雨水比较多。在任何一天Carneros 和Calistoga的温度都不一样,就象大西洋和法国地中海的区域一样。由于山的结构,太平洋凉爽气候的影响,及海拔的不同在纳帕谷区域形成了各种不同的微气候带,每种酿酒葡萄生长中都显著体现。每个区域都被指定为美国法定产区(AVA),纳帕谷自己本身就是一个美国法定种植区,它有14个附属种植区,为酿酒葡萄种植者提供各种可能性,是酿酒师创造不同色彩的来源,为消费者提供大量优质经典葡萄酒。纳帕谷附属法定产区由南至北:
Los Carneros 气候:凉爽,从San Pablo湾的凉爽海风和Petaluma Gap一样被吹到西部。最高的温度很少超过80°F (27°C)。海拔:距海平面700英尺(217米)主要品种:黑皮诺,梅乐,莎当妮。
Wild Horse 山谷 气候:东部温暖的区域,被海拔和从Suisun湾吹向东南的凉爽风所影响。海拔:600-1900英尺(186-589米)主要品种:卡本内苏维翁,黑皮诺,莎当妮。 
Mount Veeder 气候:适度的凉爽,大部分的葡萄园在雾的上方,意味着要比谷底的葡萄园拥有更温暖的夜晚和更寒冷的白天。夏天典型的的温度在85° F(30°C)。海拔:500-2600英尺(155-806米)主要品种:卡本内苏维翁,梅乐,增芳德,莎当妮。
Yountville 气候:中等,在海风和雾的作用下形成了夏天凉爽的早晨。海风使Yountville的下午比其他更高的山谷更加舒适。夏天最高温度在90°F(31°C),晚上的温度下降到-50°F (13°C)。海拔:20-200英尺(6-61米)主要品种:卡本内苏维翁,梅乐  
Stag's Leap 地区 气候:温暖适度,下午凉爽的海风带走了Stag's Leap上裸露的岩石和山坡周围的温暖的空气。夏天的温度可以达到100°F,但平均温度在90°F (32 -34°C)。海拔:离海平面500英尺(155米) 主要品种:卡本内苏维翁,梅乐,Sangiovese,莎当妮,白苏维翁。
Atlas 山顶 气候:凉爽,夏天由于山脉的影响,通常要比谷底的温度低10 -15°F度。在雾的上方,昼夜温差较小,夏天很少有超过90° F (30°C) 海拔:400-2600英尺(124-806米)主要品种:卡本内苏维翁, Sangiovese,莎当妮。  
Oakville 气候: 温暖适度,夏天温度一般在90°F左右(32°C -34°C),受夜间和晨雾的影响,东边下午日照比较温暖。海拔: 距海平面 500英尺(155 米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁 梅洛,白苏维翁。
Rutherford 气候: 温暖适度,温度受清早雾影响。西部区域比较凉爽,下午很少有阳光,下午温度受海风的影响。通常夏天最高温度是95°F左右(32°C -34°C),昼夜的温差相对波动较大。海拔: 距海平面600英尺(186米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 梅洛, 品丽珠, 仙粉黛。
St. Helena 气候: 温暖, 受到西部山脉的保护,雾和风较少。狭窄的山谷同时也提供了更多的热量反射。因此夏天山谷最高温度达到90°F(31°C -35°C)。  海拔: 海拔100- 700英尺(31-217 m) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 品丽珠, 梅洛, 西拉, 仙粉黛 ,维奥涅尔。
Spring Mountain 地区 气候条件: 凉爽气候,昼夜的温差较小 海拔: 600-2600英尺(186 -806 m) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 梅洛,品丽珠, 莎当妮, 仙粉黛 。  
Chiles Valley 地区 气候: 夏天最高温度在85°F (30°C),由于海拔高和夏天晚上大雾的原因,晚上温度能回落到50°之下 (10°C)。海拔: 600-1200英尺(186 -372米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 梅洛, 品丽珠 。
Howell Mountain 气候: 一点炎热,午后的阳光使空气很干燥 海拔: 600-2600英尺(186 -806米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 梅洛, 仙粉黛, 莎当妮,维奥涅尔。
Diamond Mountain 地区 气候: 温和,比纳帕谷的北部温度影响要小。夏天温度在50°F-90°F(10°C -32 C)。海拔: 400-2200英尺(130 -530米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 品丽珠, 莎当妮
Calistoga (pending) 气候: 夏日的最高温度超过100°F (37°C),晚上由于凉爽的海风从西北部的山丘进入山谷,气温下降到40°F (l0°C)。下午和晚上凉爽的微风一直持续作用,空旷的晚上有助于冷空气从山腰滑落到谷底。 海拔: 300-1200英尺(92 -370米) 主要品种: 卡本苏维翁, 仙粉黛, 西拉, 小施赫。  
纳帕谷是美国加州第一个获得美国法定产区命名的地区,1981年被正式授予。什么是法定产区? 法定产区命名是指一个土地、气候、历史和其他方面都有自己的独特点的酿酒葡萄生长区的产地名称保护,在美国,法定产区是指美国葡萄栽培区的原产地的命名,必须被烟酒税和贸易局的认可。“附属法定产区”是非正式名称,是指位于一个美国葡萄栽培区内的小型美国葡萄栽培区。拥有纳帕谷原产地称谓的葡萄酒仅占整个加州葡萄酒产量的不到1/4,但纳帕谷的经济却占整个加州葡萄酒业的21%。
保持绿色行动方案 纳帕葡萄酒商协会是必不可少的组织,他们负责促进和保护纳帕山谷的称谓,他们的工作保护的不仅是它的名字,还有它的土地。一个主要的成就是它的一个绿色认证。这项自愿计划帮助酒商和种植者超越当地、州和联邦环保法规,从而维护流域的土地和资源,为子孙后代造福。 


在纳帕谷的两百多家酒庄之中,有闻名全球的RobertMondavi、Stag'sLeap、Chateau Montelena等等,但更多的还是家族式的小酒庄。这些平易近人的小酒庄在接待客人时,也是一副家常做派。许多酒庄都提供野餐用具,毕竟还有什么能比和家人一起晒太阳、品美酒更惬意的呢?
V.Sattui 这家酒庄已有121年的历史。1882年意大利酿酒师VittorioSattui与他的新娘到达旧金山,随后在1885年创建了V.Sattui酒庄。它还是纳帕谷为数极少的几家全线葡萄酒现场售卖的酒庄,可以免费品尝各种葡萄酒,尝好了再买。开放时间:周一至周日,8:00-17:30  电话:800-7992337  网址:www.vsattui.com
Niebaum-Coppola 酒庄的主人很有名,是电影《教父》的导演弗朗西斯·科波拉。酒庄的一半区域用于展示科波拉的电影成就,包括《教父》中的各种道具、服装等。酒庄的前身是Niebaum家族的In-glenook酒庄,始建于1880年。开放时间:周一至周日,10:00-17:00  电话:800-7824266  网址:www.neibaumcoppola.com
Robert Mondavi 美国酒业大亨Robert Mondavi的酒庄,建于1966年,虽然历史比纳帕谷的众多酒庄要短得多,却凭借始终高人一筹的酿酒技术而后来居上,比如上世纪60年代的不锈钢桶冷发酵技术,上世纪90年代与美国宇航局合作、利用航拍图像分析葡萄藤的健康状况。开放时间:周一至周日,10:00-17:00  电话:888-7666328 网址:www.robertmondaviwinery.com
纳帕谷佳酿 纳帕谷出产的红酒较之波尔多出产的红酒味道微甜,涩感少一些,比较容易入口,尤为红酒入门者的喜爱。纳帕谷的葡萄酒窖藏期相对较短,一般的Cabernet酒三至四年即可饮用,而且可搭配的菜系范围较广,这也是其风靡全球的原因之一。
签证 美国驻上海总领事馆可办理短期旅游签证。shanghai-ch.usembassy-china.org.cn
到达 上海出发至美国旧金山,东航、国航、美联航、全日空、日航、大韩等航空公司每周均有航班直飞或经中转抵达。  

纳帕谷从旧金山南端的San Pablo海湾开始直至北端的Calistoga结束。从市区出发,驱车驶过金门大桥,沿29号高速公路行驶半小时,即可到达。
参观 有品酒观光列车行驶于Vqllejo与Calistoga之间,行程约3小时。在这趟美酒列车上你可以舒服地坐在毛绒扶手椅里,喝上几小杯美酒,一边欣赏窗外的美景,一边等待一顿三道菜的大餐。最为特别的是这趟火车之旅所使用的是1915-1950年期间才有的普氏火车。
下榻 旧金山市内有各种类型和档次的酒店可供选择,当然你也可以住在一些拥有住宿条件的纳帕谷酒庄和私人农场里。
美食 每年9月,纳帕谷的多家名酒庄都会举行Har-vestBall晚宴,每人需付200美元。


The Napa Valley Wine Train

The Napa Valley Wine Train provides a relaxing three hour journey along the thirty six mile round-trip between the historic town of Napa through one of the world's most famous wine valleys to the quaint village of St. Helena and back.
Guests aboard the Wine Train enjoy the option of a freshly prepared lunch or dinner as they view the vineyards and wineries from any of the vintage 1915-1917 Pullman Dining, Lounge or the 1947 Vista Dome rail cars which have been lavishly restored beyond even their original decor.